Eirik Hoff Lysholm, styreleder i Norsk redaktørforening og ansvarlig redaktør i Dagsavisen.

Redaktørforeningen refser angrep på mediehus i brev til Israels ambassade

Redaktørforeningen mener Israel har forsømt sin plikt til å sørge for gode arbeidsforhold for pressen i væpnede konflikter.


Denne artikkelen er over to år gammel.

I etterkant av at et mediebygg på Gazastripen ble bombet fra luften 15.mai, har Norsk Redaktørorening sendt et brev til den israelske ambassadøren i Norge, Alon Roth.

I brevet uttrykker redaktørforeningen sterk uro og tristhet over hendelsen. De understreker også viktigheten av å støtte opp under medienes sikkerhet væpnede konflikter.

Blant annet skriver de:

« We would like to emphasize that especially during armed conflicts, where the parties involved have a particular need to promote their own propaganda, it is important to ensure security and good working conditions for serious and independent news media. The attack Saturday is in direct violation of such an obligation, and we would like to know more about the background for Israel taking such a step».

Les hele brevet i faktaboksen under.

Redaktørforeningens brev til den israelske ambassadøren i Norge

Dear Mr. Ambassador

The Association of Norwegian Editors has 760 members in all kinds of Norwegian media outlets. Our main duties are to safeguard the professional interests and editorial independence of our members and ensure press freedom and freedom of expression.

It is with great unrest and regret that we have registered that Israeli missiles on Saturday 15 May destroyed a building in the Gaza Strip where several major newsrooms were located.

Based on the information we have received, the attack was carefully planned and targeted. The owners of the building, and thereby the tenants, were notified in advance and barely managed to leave the building before it was shelled and totally destroyed.

Many Norwegian editors and journalists are upset that Israel implements a seemingly carefully planned attack on a democratic institution as the free media.

We would like to emphasize that especially during armed conflicts, where the parties involved have a particular need to promote their own propaganda, it is important to ensure security and good working conditions for serious and independent news media. The attack Saturday is in direct violation of such an obligation, and we would like to know more about the background for Israel taking such a step.

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